Finance & Development, Popular Education

Stefan Keller

Stefan Keller (they/he/she) is a non-binary queer facilitator, organizer, fundraiser, and amateur meteorologist building community, turning looks, baking cookies and sharing living space with chosen family in Hartford, Connecticut. Stefan grew up in the small town of Bethany, just north of New Haven, in a majority white town closeted and unaware of the systemic injustices that existed in the world around them. They have been on a journey ever since unlearning what white supremacy and patriarchy taught them and learning to live authentically and in deep community with friends, chosen family, and the broader community. 

Stefan’s journey started as an AmeriCorps member at a high school in Bridgeport where they saw the vast difference in resources between that school and their own high school and met powerful undocumented youth leaders organizing and fighting for their rights. Seeing undocumented young people stepping into their power inspired Stefan to own their own identity as a queer person and explore their role in the movement for immigrant justice and broader fight for a more liberated world. 

This led Stefan to both work and volunteer for many organizations led by community members fighting for justice including CT Students for a Dream, Hartford Deportation Defense, the CT Tenants Union, Mutual Aid Hartford, Equality CT, and Make the Road CT. Through their involvement, Stefan was fortunate to learn from many different movement leaders and receive training in anti-racist facilitation, organizing, and organizational development. Currently, they spend a lot of time thinking about how to mobilize resources for organizations working toward collective liberation.

As a worker-owner at the People’s Saturday School, they hope to make it possible for all of us to work from a place of abundance towards the new world we want to create together. 

Stefan also believes deeply in building community, especially with other queer people and this has inspired a journey that involves co-owning a house and co-living with chosen family and regularly hosting events, especially for queer folxs, that center care, fun, joy, and relationship-building. In their free time, Stefan loves giving weather reports on Instagram, listening to and talking about podcasts, and baking vegan and non-vegan baked goods in the hopes of one day opening a small at-home bakery!