It’s Time to Talk Money: Sharing Your Money Story

Money, sex, politics, religion. These are the topics we are told we are not supposed to bring up in “polite” company (whatever that means). However, not talking about something leads to stereotypes, taboos, misunderstandings, and a discomfort in talking about it openly and honestly.

In this workshop we are going to lean into that discomfort and talk openly about money. We will discuss what happens when we do and don’t talk about money inside movement spaces and in our daily lives and how this helps perpetuate the stereotypes, misunderstandings, and taboos surrounding our personal relationship with money. We will do this through reflecting on the messages that we received about money both directly and indirectly growing up, how our experiences with money, wealth, and class have impacted our own lives, and how these messages and experiences affect the way we think about money today. We will then practice turning those reflections into a story of ourselves through the lens of money and class and discuss why going through this process is so important.

If we ever want to create spaces that are inclusive of a variety of class backgrounds or talk about reparations, wealth redistribution, communal living and/or a future beyond capitalism, then it’s time to talk about money.

This session is intended for anyone interested in learning to talk about money more openly and honestly.

Saturday, May 20
12-2:30 PM EST
In Person

course details

This course is being offered for free with a suggested donation of $10-50. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

If you have access to wealth, please consider giving more to support our work.

When you submit the registration form, you will receive an email confirming your enrollment and providing additional details, including payment method, address/location, an overview of expectations, and any assigned pre-work. 

Space is limited! Once a course reaches maximum capacity, anyone who registers will be placed on a wait list.

Any questions? Please contact us at

about the facilitator

Stefan Keller (they/he/she) is a queer organizer, facilitator, baker, runner, Instagram meteormemeologist and current and aspiring convener of queer spaces trying to live in community in order to breathe a new world into existence.

They currently work at Make the Road Connecticut in Development and also think a lot about money and how to especially move white, middle-class people to lean into distributing more of their wealth.

They live in Hartford communally with their chosen family.